Archives for the month of: March, 2024

Unique Body Mist Scents: Honeysuckle, Coconut Strawberry, Lavender Peach, Hollywood, Patchouli Rose, and Chocolate Mint!

Why use Body Mist instead of perfume?
Body mist has a lighter fragrance oils which keep your skin hydrated throughout the day. With its gentle aroma, you can feel fresh even after 4-5 hours since you shower. Also, If you want to try fragrance layering with several scents, then body mist is best to create a new and unique combination.

Savage Soaps body mists are created without chemicals. They are handmade daily using natural ingredients in filtered spring water so they are much gentler on your skin. So, if you’re someone with a sensitive skin type or someone who frequently experiences rashes or has sensitivity to fragrances, you may find body mists to be friendlier. They’ll usually get absorbed by your skin quite well and will leave just a fine layer of fragrance on you.

Many people like having fresh-smelling sheets when they get in bed. Wondering how to apply body mist for the same? This is a unique way that will promise you relaxed sleep. After you take a shower at night to wash off the day, you can spritz some body mist on your bed linens and pillows. One of the benefits of body mist is that it can make you fall asleep easily by calming your senses.

How to Use a Body Mist:
If you’re still not sure of how to apply body mist, we’re here to break it down for you. If you’re staying at home, you can use a body mist after showering or bathing. You can spritz some on your clothes, in your closet, as well as your body to enjoy the subtle smell of the fragrance mist for at least four to five hours. If you’re wondering what is body mist used for, let us tell you that it can be used for keeping sweaty odors away during hot summer days. You can apply the body mist at the back of your ears, on your wrists, basically on your pulse points. You can also use a body mist after a sweaty workout session or spritz some in a hot tub of water before getting in it.

Body mist can be sprayed on the clothes as well as the body. It’s a lightweight product with a subtle scent. Just make sure you keep the clothing item at an arm’s distance and spritz your body mist over it. This will make your clothes smell fresh for a long time.

At the end of the day, smelling fresh and nice is going to leave an impression on the people around you. And smelling good is also quite healthy for you! You can use body mist any time of the day you want and it won’t overpower you with strong scent.

Shop for the best Body Mist Spray for Women: Body Mist !

There is growing evidence to show that your mind and body are intricately connected, and that your mind has a direct impact on your physical health. Brain imaging technology suggests meditation alters your brain in a number of beneficial ways, and studies show meditative practices even alter your genetic expression.

Indeed, thousands of genes have been identified that appear to be directly influenced by your subjective mental state. Examples of genetic effects resulting from meditative practices include the down regulation of genes associated with the pathway responsible for protein breakdown and cellular stress response genes. Expression of certain heat shock proteins is increased, and immune function is amped up through a variety of genetic changes. One study investigating genetic changes triggered by the relaxation response determined that meditative or mindfulness practices affect no less than 2,209 different genes, and it didn’t really matter which relaxation response technique was used. Findings such as these prove you cannot separate your health from your emotional well-being, and if you want to prevent chronic illness, you’d be wise to incorporate this knowledge.

Meditation Lowers Risk of Heart Disease

For example, a number of studies have demonstrated that a persistent negative state of mind is a risk factor for heart disease. Conversely, happiness, optimism, life satisfaction and other positive psychological states are associated with a lower risk of heart disease. While some people seem born with a sunnier disposition than others, meditation has been shown to improve mood regulation and boost optimism. Meditative practices have also been shown to lower your:

– Heart rate

– Blood pressure

– Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol level

– Cortisol level

Such findings are consistent with a downregulation of your hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the sympathetic nervous system, both of which are over-activated by stress. Stress is also a well-known risk factor for heart disease, making meditation all the more important.

Meditation Guidelines Issued as Adjunctive Intervention for Heart Disease

While the mind-body connection has long been overlooked by conventional medicine, the American Heart Association recently issued its first guidelines on seated meditation,6 suggesting it can be a valuable adjunctive intervention in combination with other recommended lifestyle and medical treatments.

Dr. James Stahl, a researcher at the Geisel Medical School at Dartmouth College and at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, New Hampshire, told Reuters that “[s]ome patients may even be able to try meditation along with diet and lifestyle changes before they move on to drugs.” Common forms of seated meditation suggested in the guidelines include:

Shamatha (focused attention technique) Vipassana (insight meditation; an “open monitoring” technique that encourages a broader awareness of your environment or train of thought, allowing feelings you might normally suppress to rise to the surface)

Mindful meditation Zazen (Zen meditation)

Raja yoga Metta (loving-kindness meditation)

Transcendental meditation Relaxation response practice

Other Health Benefits (and Cost Savings) of Meditation

Stress-related problems, including back pain, insomnia, acid reflux and exacerbations to irritable bowel syndrome account for as much as 70% of the average U.S. physician’s caseload.8 Research9 suggests medical costs for these kinds of issues could be drastically reduced simply by practicing meditation and other relaxation techniques. To reach this conclusion, the researchers analyzed data from more than 4,400 people who received eight weeks of relaxation-response training.

For about three hours a week, participants focused on relaxation using techniques like meditation, yoga and stress reduction exercises. They also worked on building resiliency using social support, cognitive skills training and positive psychology. After the program, the participants’ use of medical services dropped by 43% compared to their usage the previous year.

The researchers estimated such as change could save the average patient between $640 and $25,500 a year. Specifically, the relaxation group reduced their clinical visits by 42%, their lab use by 44% and their use of procedures by 21%.

Visits to the emergency room were also reduced, from 3.7 times per patient in the previous year to 1.7 a year after the program. Aside from reducing stress and related health problems, including protecting your heart health, meditation has also been shown to:

– Promote emotional health and increase feelings of happiness. Help you lose or maintain weight.

  • Improve concentration, attention, self
  • Reduce anxiety and depression awareness, memory, processing speed and creativity
  • Increase your immune response and improve immune function. Slow down brain deterioration and counteract age-related loss of brain volume

– Reduce pain Improve sleep quality. Increase kindness and compassion. Reduce inflammation.

Meditation More Effective Than Caffeine and Napping

In this Talks at Google segment, meditation expert Emily Fletcher18 explains the differences between two popular styles of meditation, and how they affect your brain. She also discusses the similarities between meditation and caffeine.

Both have the effect of energizing you and boosting your productivity, but meditation accomplishes this without any adverse effects. As explained by Fletcher, caffeine is similar to the chemical adenosine, which is produced by your brain throughout the day.

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) makes you sleepy, and caffeine effectively blocks the adenosine receptors in your brain, thereby disallowing your brain from recognizing how tired it is. Caffeine also stimulates neural activity in your brain that triggers the release adrenaline, a stress chemical involved in the fight-or-flight state. Remaining in a chronic state of fight-or-flight (whether caused by caffeine or actual stress) can lead to any number of stress-related disorders.

Meditation, on the other hand, energizes you and makes you more productive without triggering an adrenaline rush. The reason for this is because meditation de-excites your nervous system rather than exciting it further. This makes it more orderly, thereby making it easier for your system to release pent-up stress. It also makes you more productive.

She notes that many are now starting to recognize meditation as a powerful productivity tool. Contrary to popular belief, taking the time to meditate can actually help you gain more time through boosted productivity than what you put into it.

According to Fletcher, meditating for just 20 minutes equates to taking a 1.5-hour nap, and provides your body with rest that is two to five times deeper than sleep. This is why even a short period of meditation each day can help you feel more refreshed and awake.

Meditation More Beneficial Than Vacation, Study Shows

According to Dr. Monique Tello, contributing editor at Harvard Health Publishing, having a regular meditation practice is also more beneficial than taking regular vacations.

That’s the conclusion reached by a study comparing the mental and physical health outcomes of a one-week yoga retreat with daily meditation versus a regular vacation. A total of 91 non-pregnant healthy women without history of hormone or antidepressant use were enrolled. The volunteers were divided into three groups of about 30 people per group:

1. Mindfulness intervention for experienced meditators, consisting of 12 hours of meditation, nine hours of yoga, plus other “self-reflective exercises” throughout the week.

2. Mindfulness intervention for novices who had never meditated before (same schedule as the first group).

3. Regular vacation, which consisted of listening to health lectures followed by fun outdoor activities throughout the week.

After one week, all three groups scored statistically lower for stress and depression, suggesting both meditation and regular vacation helped boost mood and ease stress. The really interesting part of this study emerged during follow-up, 10 months later. As reported by Tello:

“The regular meditators still showed significant improvements on these scores, the novice meditators even more so. However, the vacationers were back to baseline. The researchers had ensured that all three groups were equal in average age, education level, employment status, and body mass index.

This finding is in keeping with prior research showing that vacation has beneficial but very temporary effects, and that mindfulness therapies have sustained beneficial effects …

All three groups showed significant positive changes in the markers of immune function. However, regular meditators also showed additional, more interesting changes. I got in touch with study author Eric Schadt, Ph.D., director of the Icahn Institute at Mount Sinai, who offered this interpretation of the data:

‘Regular meditators showed both the same types of ‘improvements’ at the molecular level as the others, but on top of that exhibited changes that were also associated with some aging/disease processes that also correlated with biomarkers of aging in a favorable direction. I think there is some suggestion there of improved healthy aging …’”

What Happens in Your Brain During Meditation?

While there are many variations, meditation typically involves focusing on your breath to the exclusion of everything else. Whenever your attention wanders, you gently bring it back to your breathing. As noted by Forbes, “Through meditation, we get better acquainted with the behavior of our minds, and we enhance our ability to regulate our experience of our environment, rather than letting our environment dictate how we experience life.”

As mentioned, the activity of relaxed focus actually rewires your brain in ways that improve and support physical health. In the short term, effects of meditation include inhibiting inflammation, stress reduction, lowering blood pressure and enhancing attention.

Long-term benefits reaped with consistent practice over time include increased gray matter in brain regions related to memory and emotional processing, increased empathy and kindness and greater emotional resilience, which lowers your chances of getting overwhelmed and sick when stress hits. Different types of meditation produce different brain changes though.

How Different Types of Meditation Affect Your Brain

Here’s a summary of some of the neuroplastic changes induced by three popular sitting meditation practices:

• Transcendental meditation causes your brain to switch into primarily alpha frequency, corresponding to a relaxed yet aware state akin to daydreaming. As the left and right hemisphere of your brain enter into coherence, endorphin production increases, inducing a sense of happiness and bliss. Over time, this

kind of meditation expands your sense of self beyond bodily limitations, resulting in a more integrated personality.

• Mindful meditation and shamatha, focused attention techniques in which you concentrate on your breath or a single object, thought, mantra, sound or visualization, activate the executive mode of your brain. The idea behind mindfulness is to remain in the present moment by focusing your attention in the now. The brainwave frequency here typically responds to the gamma range.

Long-term, this type of meditation tends to enlarge your hippocampus, which is where your memories are stored, while shrinking the amygdala, the emotional center and the site of your fight-or-flight instinct. This is in part why mindfulness training tends to be helpful for depression and anxiety, as it helps improve the regulation of emotions.

• Transcendental meditation or self-induced transcendence (which is the topic of discussion in Fletcher’s Talks at Google segment above) is a non-directed style of meditation in which you access a fourth state of consciousness that is different from waking, sleeping and dreaming. Transcendence style meditation strengthens your corpus callosum, the bridge between your two brain hemispheres.

Your left brain is in charge of the past and the future, language, math and critical thought, while your right brain is in charge of “right now,” intuition, inspiration, connectedness, creativity and problem-solving. By strengthening the connection between your right and left hemispheres, you gain access to more creative problem-solving and increase your productivity without adding stress.

Beginner’s Guide to Meditation

While it’s not unusual for the most experienced meditators to have spent decades, even a lifetime, perfecting the art of meditation, you can gain benefits just from meditating in your home for 20 minutes a day. If you’d like to givemeditation a try, there are many classes and group sessions available if you want a structured group setting, and free guided meditation apps you can use on your own wherever you are.

Two helpful resources include UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center, where you can download free guided meditations in English and Spanish, and Head in the Clouds, a blog dedicated to exploring life with attention deficit disorder. The following suggestions can also help you get started:

  1. Set aside 20 to 30 minutes to meditate each day. Choose a quiet place where you can sit comfortably without being disturbed or interrupted. Simply close your eyes and focus on your breath, either entering and exiting your nose, or raising and lowering your belly. You don’t need to control your mind or breathe in any unnatural way. When thoughts arise — and they will — simply let them pass through without judgment and return your attention to the breath.
  2. As you meditate, you will notice thoughts, sensations and sounds. The next step is to take note of the presence or “witness” that is doing the actual noticing. You’ll find that this presence cannot be pinned down to any particular place inside you. As you continue, simply abide in this presence and be the witness.

In the book, “The Untethered Soul, the Journey Beyond Yourself,” Michael Singer asserts that happiness and freedom are the result of cultivating “witness consciousness,” a state of willfully observing your mind, emotions and behaviors, rather than feeling that you actually are these things.

3. The more you meditate, the easier it will become to quickly enter into a state of calm and relaxed yet focused awareness. It will also become easier to remain in meditation for longer periods of time. The after-effects will also last longer the more you meditate, allowing you to go through your day in a calmer more focused state.

Enhance Meditation with Meditation Essential Oils

meditation, yoga, essential oils, chakra oils, oils for spirituality, prayer oils
Specially blended essential oils for meditation and yoga enthusiasts.

Savage Soaps Meditation Oils are exclusively blended and can be used externally on the body during Yoga, Meditation, Prayer, or even as a daily perfume.

Apply as you prefer to pulse points such as, back of neck, breast bone, wrists, and inside of knees.

AH: Pure essential oil blend for creating and manifesting your desires. Lemon, Rosemary, Petitgrain, Palmarosa, Marjoram. (Green grassy notes)

CHAKRA: Pure essential oil blend to clear energy points. Gain alignment and balance in your higher self. Rosemary, Lavender, Rose Geranium, Bergamot, Ylang Ylang, Bois de Rose, Lemon, Palmarosa, Patchouli, Lemongrass, Cedarwood. (Warm incense-like notes)

OM: Pure essential oil blend for gratitude and giving thanks. Jasmine, Frankincense & Myrrh, Rose, Cedarwood. (Earthy floral notes)

ZEN: Pure essential oil blend for achieving tranquility peace and relaxation. Ylang Ylang, Patchouli, Rose Geranium, Clary Sage, Lavender, Palmarosa. (Earthy floral notes)

Shop for Mediation Oils now!

source: Mercola

Plant Details

There are 4 basic types of Frankincense, Boswellia carterii and Boswellia frereana, which come from Somalia, Boswellia serrata, from India, and Boswellia sacra, from Oman. The Frankincense tree (Boswellia carterii), is a small deciduous tree in the Burseraceae family. The tree typically grows to be anywhere from six to thirty feet tall. It can have one or multiple trunks which are covered in a papery bark that can be easily removed. The leaves of the Frankincense tree are compound with an odd number of leaflets growing opposite of each other along its branches. When new leaves begin to form, they are covered in a fine down. Frankincense trees grow tiny yellowish-white flowers that are gathered in clusters. Each flower consists of five petals surrounding ten stamens and a cup with five teeth. The fruit produced by the tree is small and capsule-like. Frankincense (Boswellia carterii), is derived from the resin of the tree, milky white sap that is secreted. The trees begin producing this resin when they are around eight to ten years old.


The name “Frankincense” comes from the French term “franc encens,” which means “pure incense”. The country of Oman is the earliest known source of Frankincense (traditionally Boswellia sacra), having exported the resin across India, China, and the Mediterranean for thousands of years. Frankincense and natron were used by Egyptians to cleanse body cavities during the mummification process. Herodotus, a Greek historian, mentions Frankincense in his work “The History”. He writes that the resin is dangerous to harvest because of winged snakes that guard the trees, and recommends burning storax as the smoke would drive the snakes away. Frankincense is used throughout the Abrahamic religions to cleanse negative or evil energy from houses and other buildings. It is also used for blessings and during exorcisms. Frankincense is mentioned as a prominent offering in ancient Hebrew sacrificial legislation. Frankincense is also mentioned in the New Testament of the Christian bible as one of the three gifts, along with gold and myrrh, that are presented to the baby Jesus after his birth. In the Book of Exodus, Frankincense, blended with other spices, is said to be ground and burnt in the sacred altar before the Ark of the Covenant as a holy offering. Frankish Crusaders brought Frankincense to western Europe after journeys to the Eastern Roman Empire where it was commonly used in church services. During Medieval times, Frankincense was often burned in religious spaces and during rituals. Frankincense, referred to as “dhoop”, is used to help heal wounds, relieve arthritis pain, and balance hormones in Ayurvedic medicine. In traditional Chinese medicine, Frankincense, along with myrrh, are used topically and orally for their antibacterial properties as well as to relieve pain, and promote blood circulation.


Frankincense Essential Oil is extracted from the resin that is excreted from the trees. To harvest Frankincense resin, farmers make incisions in the bark of the tree until small tears of the fluid begin to form. To achieve the highest quality resin without causing any damage to the tree, each tree is usually sliced around three times. The droplets of resin are then allowed to dry and harden on the tree for three to ten days. Then the resin droplets are scraped off of the tree and left to continue drying until they harden completely. When dry, the resin droplets look like small, rough, translucent stones. The quality of the resin is determined by the size of the hardened droplets and their color, with larger size and lighter color being optimal. Most Frankincense resin that can be readily found ranges in color from golden to amber but very expensive and high-quality resin can be clear to white in color. After harvesting and drying, frankincense resin is transported to the distillery and crushed into a powder before distillation. Frankincense essential oil is extracted through hydrodistillation. The resulting essential oil is thin and clear to pale yellow in color, with an exotic sweet and earthy aroma.  

Benefits and Uses

When used in aromatherapy, Frankincense Essential Oil has expectorant properties that can work to encourage easier breathing by relieving congestion and clearing nasal passageways. It helps to stimulate the immune system as well as strengthen the respiratory system. Frankincense Essential Oil is known to enhance the mood and combat stress and anxiety. It also has sedative properties that can help the body and mind relax before bed and improve sleep quality. It can help to give the brain a boost by improving concentration and memory retention. Frankincense Essential Oil is commonly used in different spiritual practices where it is believed to strengthen one’s intuition and spiritual connections. It can also be used to help focus intention and thoughts during yoga or meditation. Used topically, Frankincense Essential Oil can help to combat signs of aging by reducing the appearance of wrinkles and skin discoloration and improving skin elasticity. It can help stimulate the growth of new skin cells, helping wounds heal faster. When applied to the scalp, this essential oil can help to soothe dryness and strengthen the hair. Frankincense Essential Oil has anti-inflammatory properties that allow it to soothe inflamed and irritated skin as well as reduce redness and swelling. It works to disinfect the skin and tighten the pores for a cleansed and smooth complexion. Frankincense Essential Oil makes a helpful addition to household cleaners. It works to eliminate harmful bacteria on the surface and in the air while also deodorizing areas in the home.

Savage Soaps has a selection of many essential oils sourced worldwide.

Get Frankincense Essential Oil now!


Focused Intentions Diffuser Blend Recipe



Add water to your diffuser up to the fill line. Add drops of the essential oil blend. This diffuser blend recipe is formulated for a 200ml ultrasonic diffuser. Adjust the amount according to the size and directions of your diffuser. 

Natural oils, such as coconut oil, Shea butter, and olive oil, have been used for skin care and hair care for centuries. And the natural benefits continue to be touted for various moisturizing, protective, and antibacterial qualities. these basic substances have often been overlooked.

Many oils are claimed to be beneficial for the skin. But which ones are most effective for improving skin health and quality? Whether you’re interested in moisturizing, protecting, or cleansing your skin, oils could be the key to enhancing your skincare routine.

Each type of oil has its own benefits and may affect your skin in different ways. At Savage Soaps, we focus on creating the most natural skincare products, so we look for oils that work best for all skin types. Here we’ve created a resource of the best natural oils for your face to help find one that suits your skin type and needs.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the best natural oils for your face because it has many benefits for the skin. It is rich in medium-chain fatty acids and has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. The fatty acids help moisturize dry skin and prevent premature signs of aging. The oil is also shown to reduce acne due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Savage Soaps Vajingo for the vajayjay contains a special blend of natural oils to help keep proper PH.

Coconut oil can be used in many different ways to benefit your skin. We get our coconut oil through sustainable harvesting methods and it creates the luxurious lather in our Savage soaps line. 

Olive Oil

Olive oil is made by pressing olive fruits and extracting their oil. This kitchen staple is one of the best natural oils for your face because it contains vitamins A, D, E, and K, antioxidants, and squalane. It hydrates dry skin, fights free radical damage, and slows skin aging.

Savage Soaps Elemi Rose Facial Serum contains natural oils to help firm and tighten the skin.

Olive oil stands out from other plant-based oils due to its potential ability to fight cancer. In one study, mice that had olive oil applied to their skin experienced lower rates of tumors caused by ultraviolet rays. While most people benefit from olive oil’s emollient and protective properties, those with super sensitive skin may need to test this oil as it can cause allergies in some people.

Shea Butter

Although not exactly an oil, shea butter melts on contact with your skin. This fat is extracted from the nuts of the shea tree, which are native to West Africa. Shea butter makes our list of good oils for your face because it has significant levels of vitamins A, E, and F which help relieve skin inflammation, and reduces the appearance of scars and wrinkles.

Shea butter stands out from other plant-based oils due to its possession of triterpenes. These naturally occurring chemical compounds inhibit the destruction of collagen fibers, keeping your skin young and firm for as long as possible. Formulated with organic shea butter, our Lizard Queen soap helps super dry skin issues and the inclusion of shea butter also helps protect the structural integrity of your skin.

Savage Soaps Lizard Queen soap is super-fatted with shea butter and formulated for super dry skin.

There you have it; the best natural oils for your face and body. If you don’t know which oils to choose? You don’t have to shop for each oil individually. At Savage Soaps, we offer facial serums and body butter, salt scrubs and lotion with a mixture of your favorite oils so you can take advantage of more than one oils’ benefits. Most of our oils are sustainably sourced, Fair Trade certified, and slave/child labor free.

When you shop and use Savage Soaps, you help lower your carbon footprint and drive positive change in our environment.